I understand that one of these days I should introduce myself or something, but who wants to hear about Limsy Hardwitt when they can hear about Kronk.

That's right. Kronk.
He's the guy who makes Spinach Puffs 
(we can forgive him this once),
talks to squirrels, and has his own theme song. We love you Kronk. If, while watching this video you have a sudden urge to give a standing ovation, go ahead. I commend you. In fact I'll clap with you.

(we can forgive him this once),
talks to squirrels, and has his own theme song. We love you Kronk. If, while watching this video you have a sudden urge to give a standing ovation, go ahead. I commend you. In fact I'll clap with you.

Not so much.
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